Spanning over a decade of development and surpassing challenges, PVCFC has continued to pursue its mission to perfect a comprehensive suite of plant nutrition solutions. Today, it stands as a leading brand in the domestic fertilizer production and trading industry. By delivering a wide array of superior, high-quality products to farmers, PVCFC serves the pillars of national agriculture, playing a pivotal role in securing food safety and elevating the value of Vietnamese agricultural products.

Founded on March 09th, 2011, PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fertilizer Joint Stock Company (PVCFC) is a dynamic enterprise with the following primary lines of business: Production, trade, and import-export of fertilizers, petroleum chemicals. Our core focus lies in serving the agricultural sector, with a dedicated mission to provide millions of farmers with high-nutrient-content fertilizers, tailored for a variety of crops and soil types. By harnessing technological advancements in the petrochemical industry, PVCFC has not only improved its business efficiency but has also played a transformative role in reshaping Vietnam’s agricultural economy towards sustainable green development.

PVCFC currently has 3 plants: the Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant, the Ca Mau NPK Plant, and the Korea – Vietnam NPK Plant, with a total production capacity of nearly 1.5 million tons of fertilizer each year. The Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant consistently ensures safe and stable operations, substantial capacity, and significant contribution to both product quality and company revenue. On December 07th, 2023, the Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant achieved the production output of 10 millionth ton of Urea. Operating at an optimal capacity of 110 - 115% relative to its designed capacity, this milestone marks yet another leap in PVCFC’s enduring commitment to scaling new heights in sustainable agriculture.

Building on the success of the Ca Mau Fertilizer Plant, the establishment of the Ca Mau NPK Plant and M&A of the Korea – Vietnam NPK Plant represent significant strides in PVCFC’s strategy to complete plant nutrition solutions. This expansion is part of an ongoing effort to diversify the supply of high-quality fertilizers, support farmers in sustainable agriculture practices, and elevate the “green values” of Vietnam’s agriculture. The Ca Mau NPK Plant, with an annual capacity of 300,000 tons, utilizes liquefied Urea technology and production lines featuring the latest technologies from the Spanish contractor ESPINDESA, along with main equipment sourced from EU/G7 countries. The Korea – Vietnam NPK plant boasts an annual capacity of 360,000 tons.

The Ca Mau Fertilizer suite has a variety of biomineral & micro-organic products (N.Humate + TE, Urea Bio), single fertilizers (Ca Mau Nitrogen, N46.Plus, SA Ca Mau, Potassium Ca Mau), complex fertilizers (NPK, DAP), and high-quality organic fertilizers (OM Ca Mau), all having high nutrient content, modern technological applications, and crafted with an emphasis on benefit and versatility, ensuring suitability for a wide range of plants and soil types