As at 31 December 2023


Issued under Circular No. 202/2014/TT-BTC
dated 22 December 2014 of the Ministry of Finance

Unit: VND

ASSETS Codes Notes Closing balance Opening balance
A. CURRENT ASSETS 100 13,504,495,425,086 11,624,186,590,632
I. Cash and cash equivalents 110 4 2,284,399,788,772 2,125,625,291,560
1. Cash 111 2,274,399,788,772 2,125,625,291,560
2. Cash equivalents 112 10,000,000,000 -
II. Short-term financial investments 120 5 8,242,000,000,000 6,812,000,000,000
1. Held-to-maturity investments 123 8,242,000,000,000 6,812,000,000,000
III. Short-term receivables 130 365,838,325,697 188,149,708,424
1. Short-term trade receivables 131 6 198,511,991,794 1,404,795,808
2. Short-term advances to suppliers 132 7 54,781,183,900 86,290,003,561
3. Other short-term receivables 136 8 155,143,495,512 141,988,594,864
4. Provision for short-term doubtful debts 137 (42,598,345,509) (41,533,685,809)
IV. Inventories 140 9 2,160,588,161,856 2,282,527,702,409
1. Inventories 141 2,192,194,664,725 2,421,842,977,250
2. Provision for devaluation of inventories 149 (31,606,502,869) (139,315,274,841)
V. Other short-term assets 150 451,669,148,761 215,883,888,239
1 Short-term prepayments 151 10 324,689,884,785 63,632,258,016
2. Value added tax deductibles 152 126,477,061,647 151,749,427,894
3. Taxes and other receivables from the State budget 153 16 502,202,329 502,202,329
B. NON-CURRENT ASSETS 200 2,421,842,977,250 2,204,077,707,734
I. Fixed assets 220 1,600,175,440,082 2,206,852,578,649
1. Tangible fixed assets 221 11 1,249,767,699,101 2,159,644,948,177
- Cost 222 15,430,176,837,908 15,270,937,810,324
- Accumulated depreciation 223 (14,180,409,138,807) (13,111,292,862,147)
2. Intangible assets 227 12 350,407,740,981 47,207,630,472
- Cost 228 500,317,770,131 178,465,717,860
- Accumulated amortisation 229 (149,910,029,150) (131,258,087,388)
II. Long-term assets in progress 240 88,189,941,648 33,176,188,396
1 Construction in progress 242 13 88,189,941,648 33,176,188,396
III. Other long-term assets 260 45,105,620,483 302,645,362,339
1 Long-term prepayments 242 13 88,189,941,648 33,176,188,396
2 Deferred tax assets 262 10,095,694,455 8,294,035,812
TOTAL ASSETS (270=100+200) 270 15,237,966,427,299 14,166,860,720,016

Unit: VND

RESOURCES Codes Notes Closing balance Opening balance
C. LIABILITIES 300 5,274,583,193,141 3,561,411,903,496
I. Current liabilities 310 4,517,257,789,256 2,874,435,985,843
1. Short-term trade payables 311 14 1,989,283,412,550 1,028,475,736,079
2. Short-term advances from customers 312 15 23,307,675,261 106,451,076,947
3. Taxes and amounts payable to the State budget 313 16 74,088,243,051 71,483,643,553
4. Payables to employees 314 150,051,864,301 136,580,729,153
5. Short-term accrued expenses 315 16 444,104,239,194 238,922,429,225
6. Other current payables 319 18 65,901,883,958 304,137,127,708
7. Short-term loans and obligations under finance leases 320 19 845,805,808,955 2,559,405,532
8. Short-term provisions 321 20 588,968,647,901 679,260,884,288
9. Bonus and welfare funds 322 21 335,746,014,085 306,564,953,358
II. Long-term liabilities 330 757,325,403,885 686,975,917,653
1. Long-term loans and obligations under finance leases 338 22 2,964,479,875 1,048,481,500
2. Scientific and technological development fund 343 23 754,360,924,010 685,927,436,153
D. EQUITY 400 9,963,383,234,158 10,605,448,816,520
I. Owners' equity 410 23 9,963,383,234,158 10,605,448,816,520
1. Owners' contributed capital 411 5,294,000,000,000 5,294,000,000,000
- Ordinary shares carrying voting rights 411a 5,294,000,000,000 5,294,000,000,000
2. Other owner’s capital 414 3,665,420,000 3,665,420,000
3. Investment and development fund 418 2,593,275,403,270 2,260,185,002,979
4. Retained earnings 421 2,044,851,345,036 3,018,455,058,084
- Retained earnings accumulated to the prior year end 421a 1,425,163,039,214 234,725,961,865
- Retained earnings of the current year 421b 619,688,305,822 2,783,729,096,219
5. Non-controlling interests 429 10 27,591,065,852 29,143,335,457
TOTAL RESOURCES (440=300+400) 440 15,237,966,427,299 14,166,860,720,016
Dam Thi Thuy An
Dinh Nhu Cuong
Chief Accountant
Le Ngoc Minh Tri
Executive Officer

26 February 2024